"To organize, train and maintain a well-prepared group of volunteer citizens to preserve life, aid and defend our communities.

The River Valley Minutemen are an organized group of volunteers dedicated to ensuring the aid, security, and freedom of what is deemed the local area of the Ohio River Valley (being Northern Kentucky, South Eastern Indiana, and South Western Ohio). This is to include the support and defense of “The Constitution of the United States of America” for all people of the River Valley, regardless of race, gender, or religion. The River Valley Minutemen will defend the River Valley and its people against all enemies foreign and domestic.

The River Valley Minutemen are not a politically involved organization, nor does it have any pledged loyalty to any political party, figure or branch of government. It is established and operated by the volunteer members it is made up of. The River Valley Minutemen do not discriminate against any person(s) based on race, gender or religon.